First commercial cases using the Karma MIS system performed

Spinal Elements has revealed that orthopaedic surgeon Pierce Nunley (Specialists Hospital Shreveport, Shreveport, USA), completed […]

Spinal Elements has revealed that orthopaedic surgeon Pierce Nunley (Specialists Hospital Shreveport, Shreveport, USA), completed the first two commercial cases with its Karma minimally invasive (MIS) system.

The Karma MIS system is designed to access and deliver the Karma implant through a 25mm paramedian incision using a single portal in an effort to streamline the procedure.

“Karma technology is truly a disruptive procedure in supplemental fixation,” said Nunley. “It has been an exciting journey to work with a great company and engineers to simplify the technique and allow for the device to be safely and reproducibly deployed using minimally invasive surgery techniques. Congratulations to the team for all of their hard work to reach this milestone.”

Karma is a metal-free cortico-pedicular posterior fixation system that minimizes tissue trauma without the use of screws and rods while providing similar fixation to a pedicle screw system, say Spinal Elements. The Karma MIS system provides a simple reproducible procedure using a single set of instruments and a universal PEEK strap implant. Karma’s extremely low-profile implant compares favourably versus larger metal posterior fixation devices, add the company. The system is part of Spinal Elements’ MIS Ultra suite of products.

Jason Blain, CEO of Spinal Elements, added: “We are excited to launch our new and innovative Karma MIS instruments. Traditional pedicle screws are state of the art for instability and deformity yet perhaps imperfect for degenerative disease indications in the lumbar spine when combined with a robust anterior column reconstruction.

“We believe surgeons and patients alike will notice the value and effectiveness of Karma MIS system as an alternative to metal posterior spinal fixation. As more procedures are done in surgery centres and on an outpatient basis, we think Karma’s unique characteristics and minimal instrumentation required for surgical implantation will make it an attractive solution.”

The post First commercial cases using the Karma MIS system performed appeared first on Spinal News International.

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