3DQuorum Mammography Tech Reduces Number of Images for Radiologists to Review
Hologic has won FDA approval to introduce its 3DQuorum imaging technology to the U.S. market. […]
The offering is integrated into the new Hologic Clarity HD Plus package, and can be used with already installed Hologic 3D imaging systems and with future ones as well.
“Superior breast cancer detection begins with our superior imaging, and only Hologic offers a comprehensive breast health ecosystem that improves outcomes, reduces costs, and increases patient and clinician satisfaction,” said Pete Valenti, Hologic’s Division President, Breast and Skeletal Health Solutions, in a press release. “3DQuorum technology is the first of many products to come powered by our new Genius AI technology platform, which will further revolutionize cancer detection in the coming years. 3DQuorum technology delivers meaningful productivity gains for radiologists due to a significant reduction in read time.”
Product page: 3DQuorum Imaging
Via: Hologic
Original Article: (https://www.medgadget.com/2019/12/3dquorum-mammography-tech-reduces-number-of-images-for-radiologists-to-review.html)