Observations from NASS ’22

#NASS2022 was a fantastic show. The Mullings Group was present in full-force as we had quite a few […]

#NASS2022 was a fantastic show. The Mullings Group was present in full-force as we had quite a few client / partners at the conference. It took the team of Devin StanleyWesley Kennedy-SitaNicole AgerJeremy Peck, and Tori Gould to provide coverage over the few days we were there.

A few observations:

– The dynamics of the ortho space and the continued emergence of the Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC’s) model and how it is impacting sales call points and clinical coverage. The larger strategics will have to become more agile and manage that cost model which will likely result in sales force and clinical support reimagined. More thoughtful and modern day marketing, less sales?

– The ongoing fragmentation and the commoditization of product lines is putting pressure on all in the market. This is going to put some of the smaller organizations at risk.

– Unless you are one of the bigger strategics, you are either an implant company or a robotics / imaging / navigation company. You cannot do both at the highest levels required today. Some of the implant companies who have an excellent solution have tried to add “robotics” to their platforms and it is putting the entire organization at risk.

– Brainlab still has one of the more elegant software-driven medical solutions in spine.

– I am going to be watching Philip D. Rackliffe as he leads GE Image Guided Therapies, I believe he is the right leader at the right time for that spinoff.

– Globus Medical continues to set the platinum standard for surgical robotics in the spine space.

Great show and kudos to all who exhibited, attended, and supported NASS2022.