Scottish Enterprise grants medtech firm £2.5m R&D grant

Medtech firm EnMovi has selected Glasgow as the location to advance its development of orthopaedic […]

Medtech firm EnMovi has selected Glasgow as the location to advance its development of orthopaedic sensors and data analytics after receiving a £2.5 million R&D grant from Scottish Enterprise.

Roman Bensen, chief executive officer of EnMovi said: “The support provided by Scottish Enterprise and our long-standing collaboration with the prestigious University of Strathclyde will enable us to continue the development of our innovative data analytics and wearable platform to improve patient outcomes globally.”
The University of Strathclyde worked in partnership with Scottish Enterprise to bring the new company to Scotland. EnMovi is based in the University’s Inovo building – next door to its Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC) in Glasgow City Innovation District – ensuring the company is ideally-placed for further collaboration with academics.
Mark Hallan, director of global investment at Scottish Enterprise, said: “OrthoSensor is already a leader in its field and its new Glasgow operation EnMovi looks set to continue that success. Through its development of a data analytics platform and further medical sensor devices, it will not only benefit the Scottish economy by creating high-value jobs but will also improve patient outcomes by allowing for less invasive surgery and faster recovery times.”
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