Butterfly TeleGuidance for Remote Ultrasound Exams During COVID Pandemic
Telemedicine has been around for over a decade in various forms, but the COVID-19 epidemic […]
The imaging output of the ultrasound is relayed to the clinician who sees it in real-time next to the video coming from the operator’s smartphone. This first-person perspective helps to create an intuitive experience for the clinician to make it easier to offer guidance.
Because of the new emergency rules that the FDA has put in place, physicians will be free to use the Butterfly TeleGuidance system to perform exams on patients with COVID or suspected of having it. Lung exams will certainly be the primary focus at this time, but the technology should have immense practical applications in a variety of unusual settings.
Link: Butterfly TeleGuidance…
Via: Butterfly Network
Original Article: (https://www.medgadget.com/2020/05/butterfly-teleguidance-for-remote-ultrasound-exams-during-covid-pandemic.html)