FDA clears Canon Medical AI-based image reconstruction tech
Canon Medical (NYSE:CAJ) announced today that it received FDA 510(k) clearance for its advanced intelligent clear-IQ […]
Canon Medical (NYSE:CAJ) announced today that it received FDA 510(k) clearance for its advanced intelligent clear-IQ engine (AiCE).
Tustin, Calif.-based Canon Medical’s AiCE expands the company’s deep learning reconstruction (DLR) technology platform with its compatibility with the Vantage Orian 1.5T MR system for artificial intelligence-based imaging. It is also available with the Vantage Galan 3T MR system.
Vantage Orian uses a deep learning algorithm to differentiate true signal from noise so it can suppress noise while enhancing signal during image reconstruction, according to a news release. AiCE helps to offer the system high-quality images and seamless integration into routine practice.
“The Vantage Orian was designed to increase productivity while ensuring patient comfort and delivering uncompromised clinical confidence,” Canon Medical Systems USA managing director of the MR business unit Jonathan Furuyama said in a news release. “Now with the addition of AiCE, we’re elevating MR imaging capabilities for our customers by bringing the power of AI to routine imaging, allowing them to use techniques that weren’t clinically practical before.”
Original Article: (https://www.massdevice.com/fda-clears-canon-medical-ai-based-image-reconstruction-tech/)