Using the InterStim Micro, patients are responsible for keeping the implant charged up, and they can make decisions on where and how to recharge. Since it takes just under an hour to do a complete charge, patients can choose to do quick once a week recharging sessions or longer ones spaced out further apart when they have a full hour to spare for the process.
“I’m excited about the new InterStim technology because it will allow so many more patients to be able to pursue SNM therapy and get back to living life their way,” said Dr. Steve Siegel, urologist at the Centers for Female Urology and Continence Care at Minnesota Urology, in Medtronic’s press release. “The new technology by Medtronic allows me and my patients a choice between a rechargeable or a recharge-free system to best suit their lifestyle, and assures them they can have an MRI. Medtronic has left no box unchecked.”
Product page: InterStim Micro
Flashbacks: InterStim Micro Neurostimulator and SureScan MRI Leads Cleared in Europe for Incontinence Control; Medtronic’s Tiny New InterStim Micro Neurostimulator Submitted to FDA
Via: Medtronic
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