Epica SeeFactorCT3 Multi-Modality System Wins FDA Clearance

Epica, a company based in San Clemente, California, won FDA clearance for its SeeFactorCT3 system […]

Epica, a company based in San Clemente, California, won FDA clearance for its SeeFactorCT3 system that combines computed tomography (CT), fluoroscopy, and digitial radiography (DR) into a single device. It is intended for use in diagnostic, interventional, and intraoperative procedures mostly involving the head, neck, and extremities. As such, it is expected to be used by a variety of surgeons, dentists, and imaging specialists.
The SeeFactorCT3 produces sliceless CT images, unlike typical CT systems, which means that there’s no interpolation involved and therefore less chance of introducing artifacts. Isotropic imaging resolution goes down to 0.1 millimeters in soft and hard tissues and lesions that are only 0.2 millimeter in diameter can be detected. Thanks to the company’s “Pulsed Technology,” the system can perform high resolution imaging while reducing the overall radiation delivered. Much of this is possible thanks to a dynamic flat panel detector that captures image sequences accurately and at high fidelity.

A big advantage of the SeeFactorCT3 is its mobility, since it can be wheeled in and out of ORs, through hospital halls, and even taken inside patient rooms. When set for transport, the device is narrow enough to be pushed through a typical open door.
Product page: SeeFactor CT3…
Via: Epic

Original Article: (https://www.medgadget.com/2019/10/epica-seefactorct3-multi-modality-system-wins-fda-clearance.html)