FDA approves IND for Ananda Scientific’s PTSD treatment with liquid structure delivery tech

Ananda Scientific announced that it received an FDA investigational new drug (IND) approval for a […]

Ananda Scientific announced that it received an FDA investigational new drug (IND) approval for a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment.

The company will collaborate with the University of Nebraska Medical Center to conduct a clinical trial, led by Dr. Mathew Rizzo, Reynolds Professor and Chair of the UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences and Chief Physician for neurological services at Nebraska Medicine.

According to a news release, the study will evaluate the effectiveness of Nantheia ATL5, investigational drug-using cannabidiol in Ananda’s proprietary delivery technology.

“Advancing evidence-based research into new therapeutics to provide a large PTSD patient population with new innovative treatment options is a key objective for our research team,” Rizzo said in the release. “We are delighted to be collaborating with Ananda Scientific on this trial.”

The Phase II, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical study is set to enroll 240 participants to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Nantheia ATL5, delivered through Ananda’s Liquid Structure delivery technology, which makes cannabinoids and other plant-derived compounds highly bioavailable, water-soluble and shelf-life-stable

“This is our second clinical trial targeting PTSD. We are excited that UNMC’s research team has partnered with us to evaluate our promising drug for this very debilitating condition,” Ananda CEO Sohail R. Zaidi said. “It is an important step in our efforts to provide patients with PTSD with potentially improved therapeutic options.”

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Original Article: (https://www.drugdeliverybusiness.com/fda-approves-ind-for-ananda-scientifics-ptsd-treatment-with-liquid-structure-delivery-tech/)