In the Marvel Universe, Magneto is a complex character typically protrayed as an anti-hero or villain with the ability to control electromagnetic fields. Now, from Yehuda, Isreal, comes Magneto Thrombectomy Solutions, a company that has developed a device based on electric fields to defeat blood clots.
The eTrieve catheter system is designed to perform thrombectomy using the electric properties of blood clots. When voltage is applied to the catheter, the negatively charged clot bonds to the positively charged electrode of the catheter, creating a strong grip, and allowing removal of the clot.
Magneto recently presented successful first-in-human (FIH) results showing the safety and feasibility of its eTrieve catheter system. The data, presented at Biomed Israel 2022, showed a significant reduction in right ventricular to left ventricular diameter (RV/LV) ratio and alleviation of symptoms associated with pulmonary embolism (PE).
The prospective, single-arm, multicenter study assessed the initial safety and performance of eTrieve in treating patients with acute PE. The study enrolled 10 participants across three sites in Denmark and Poland. Results show that the procedure, performed under light sedation only, was safe, with no device-related complications.
The primary performance endpoint was also met, the company reported, with significant reduction of RV/LV volume 48 hours post intervention. Significant clot volumes were removed, and alleviation of PE-associated symptoms was demonstrated. The catheter removed both fresh and organized clots and successfully removed blood clots of all sizes and types, from locations that could not have been safely reached using other techniques.
“We are very pleased with our FIH results, which confirm the safety and efficiency of our innovative technology, as previously demonstrated in preclinical studies,” said Benny Dilmoney, CEO of Magneto. “Our novel catheter is a groundbreaking solution that can transform treatment of conditions caused by blood clots, such as pulmonary embolism. The technology generates strong attachment forces between the eTrieve catheter and the clot, allowing the effective removal of the clot without applying outward radial forces against the vessel wall, minimizing bleeding and enabling removal of both proximal and distal clots.”
Magneto was established as part of Incentive, Peregrine Ventures’ Incubator, based on technology that was licensed from BGN Technologies, the technology transfer company of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Peregrine Ventures has been supporting Magneto since its inception.
Dilmoney said Magneto plans to initiate a pivotal study later this year in more than 100 patients in multiple medical centers in the United States and Europe.
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