Medtronic’s Tiny New InterStim Micro Neurostimulator Submitted to FDA

Medtronic has filed for FDA approval for its InterStim Micro neurostimulator and the accompanying InterStim […]

Sacral stimulation involves modulating signals passed between the brain, bowel, and bladder, improving performance of the underlying muscles. Because the new implant is 80% smaller than the currently available, and recharge-free, InterStim II, the InterStim Micro is more comfortable to wear. It also should function for 15 years without needing replacement surgery.
“The FDA submission for InterStim Micro and SureScan MRI leads is a significant milestone for Medtronic and a leap forward in our 20-year history of leadership in sacral neuromodulation,” in a press release said Brooke Story, vice president and general manager of the Pelvic Health & Gastric Therapies business at Medtronic. “Our ultimate goal is to provide safe and effective treatments to patients affected by bladder and bowel dysfunction, and ensure they have a choice in selecting the most appropriate therapy for their unique situation.”
Flashbacks: InterStim Incontinence and Bladder Control Implant Now Controlled via App; InterStim II System for Sacral Nerve Stimulation
Via: Medtronic

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