MicroPort® Orthopedics Announces First Hip Replacement Surgery in Brazil Using the MicroPort® AnteriorPath® Approach
MicroPort® Orthopedics has recently celebrated the successful completion of the first hip replacement surgery in Brazil using […]
MicroPort® Orthopedics has recently celebrated the successful completion of the first hip replacement surgery in Brazil using their MicroPort® AnteriorPath® hip surgical approach. AnteriorPath®, an anterior, portal-assisted approach for hip replacement, is designed to promote early rehabilitation of patients, helping them to achieve full function faster.
The surgery, led by Dr. Eduardo Gomes Machado, was completed in Jundiaí at the Hospital São Vicente de Paulo (HSV). While HSV had already adopted MicroPort® Orthopedic’s SuperPath® hip technique in 2017, this surgery marks the first use of AnteriorPath® technique in Brazil, as well as Latin America. AnteriorPath® is an extension of the Direct Anterior approach, which uses a newly designed cannula to gain access to the acetabulum, offering direct visualization and in-line preparation of the acetabulum and femur. Dr. Eduardo Gomes Machado selected the AnteriorPath® due to its minimally invasive approach, which reduces the patient’s recovery time.
Dr. Eduardo Gomes Machado commented, “In minimally invasive surgeries with a focus on preserving soft tissues, bleeding and pain are minimized, making these patients present a very low risk of blood transfusion and need for admission to the ICU. As we preserve the entire musculature, the prosthesis is more stable, preventing displacement, providing early recovery, and avoiding issues associated with Direct Anterior Approach. Most of the time, the patient is released the day after the procedure.”
Total hip replacement surgery, otherwise known as hip arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by a prosthetic implant. There are several conditions that can lead a patient to require hip replacement, including osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and traumatic injury – all of which can severely impact a patient’s ability to complete their daily activities. With the AnteriorPath® approach to total hip replacement, the oblique orientation of the incision is made more superior and lateral, improving visualization and access for breaching and stem placement, as well as minimizing many challenges related to the femur and wound healing.
As populations and life expectancy continues to rise, so too does the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases, such as osteoarthritis, in older adults. Alongside this trend, demand for total hip replacements is expected to rise around the world.
Original Article: (https://www.surgicalroboticstechnology.com/news/microport-orthopedics-announces-first-hip-replacement-surgery-in-brazil-using-the-microport-anteriorpath-approach/)