PENTAX Releases EB19-J10U Ultrasound Video Bronchoscope in U.S.

PENTAX has announced that its new EB19-J10U endobronchial scope, having received FDA clearance, is coming […]

The tiny ultrasound transducer at the device’s tip can be seen in the endoscopic image during any procedure, to confirm positioning and improve the intuitive understanding of where the device is. A wide 75 degree field of vision also helps with visualizing the lungs, lymph nodes, and nearby structures, while a new 2.2 mm working channel is compatible with 19-Gauge needles, a relatively recent development.


“The new EB19-J10U offers a much larger field of vision, which, combined with high-quality ultrasound technology and PENTAX video processors, allows for precise and excellent visualization and orientation in the airways,” said Dr. Rocco Trisolini (Policlinico S. Orsola, Bologna, Italy), in a PENTAX press release. “The ergonomic design with improved grip and wide operational channel are also impressive and greatly contribute to the ease of use and high level of maneuverability.”
Product info page: EB19-J10U Video Bronchoscope

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