The BIPRI 8-Motor Headband Is Changing the Game for Chronic Migraine Sufferers.
Nashville award-winning songwriter and radio host, Gary Chapman, was an early adopter of the technology. “I was beyond skeptical,” he says. “But there was something that happened. It was like a giant reset button. I felt like I was starting again.”
After discovering the 8-motor headband, Chapman shared it with his wife, Cassie Chapman of TNT’s “The Private Lives of Nashville Wives.”
“I was 22 when I snapped my neck on the lake,” explains Cassie Chapman in a recent interview. “Since then, I’ve had terrible migraines. I was on a cocktail of opiates for six years, and I tried every migraine medication. I was sick of the opiates, and I got to the point where I was willing to try anything. Then my husband [Gary] found the BIPRI vibrating headband. It changed my life!”
Our programs represent seven years of intense work with doctors, therapists, dietitians, chiropractors, and other medical professionals. During this development phase, we created a new integrative system that changes the way brain wellness is supported. BIPRI is committed to providing you with simple, holistic, and safe brain wellness programs that are grounded in science and based on the belief that everyone deserves a healthy brain.
If you would like more information about this topic, please call Bob Hutchins at 888-549-5519, or email

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