Telehealth Poses Unprecedented Opportunities And Challenges For Medtech And Supply Chains

President and CEO of Pivot International, a US-based global manufacturing, engineering, loT, and product development firm. […]

President and CEO of Pivot International, a US-based global manufacturing, engineering, loT, and product development firm.

Telehealth is hardly a new phenomenon, but the global pandemic has fueled an explosion for virtual home care and consumer health products and applications, driving unprecedented market opportunities. Social distancing mandates designed to stop the spread of Covid-19 have skyrocketed the use of telehealth services by a staggering 4,000%.

However, with telehealth surging, supply chain challenges loom large. While the pandemic has driven unprecedented demand, it has also driven unprecedented disruption of the global supply chain and confronted companies with new hurdles for bringing medtech successfully to market. These hurdles include not only supply chain shortages, but also regulatory changes and compliance mandates that thicken an already tangled plot.

Trade tensions have been brought to a boil.

Covid-19 brought already tense U.S.-China trade relations to a boiling point and resulted in a trend toward regional protectionism. This, in turn, has driven regulatory changes for security-sensitive and critical components.

For many medtech companies, achieving compliance with new trade policies and the regulatory changes that come with them means that China-based manufacturing is no longer an option. Leaders are confronted with the steep task of identifying proven partners with access to global sourcing networks and cost-effective alternatives to China-based production.

As if this challenge wasn’t steep enough, the pandemic is driving another trend that can pose an even greater risk for medtech companies.

Twenty-five years of business as usual is unraveling.

For the last two and a half decades, many companies have been offshoring production. However, production isn’t the only thing they’ve been offshoring, or the most problematic. They’ve also been offshoring talent. Rather than investing in the in-house knowledge and critical skill sets for developing successful products, they’ve farmed out this capability overseas (often to China).

The real danger is that many companies are not aware of the gap between their business objectives and the knowledge and skill sets required for achieving them. Companies often make the mistake, for example, of equating their in-house prototype and concept engineering with design-for-manufacturing (DFM). They stand to learn a costly lesson that this is not the case.

Telehealth is set to become the ‘next normal.’

Now that legions of consumers have had positive experiences connecting virtually with their physician or another healthcare provider, telehealth is set to become the “next normal” for accessing noncritical care.

The acceleration of the trend toward widespread adoption of telehealth services and devices has resulted in a market opportunity that McKinsey & Company estimates at $250 billion in U.S. healthcare spending. (Using CMS National Health Expenditure projections, the company arrived at this figure by conducting analyses of commercial, Medicare and Medicaid datasets and then scaling and projecting the spend and utilization to represent national 2020 spend figures.)

Before the global pandemic, the question many medtech executive teams were asking was to what degree consumers would adopt technology to access noncritical care. Now, these same leaders are asking a different question: How can we develop a competitive product in time to get ahead of the cresting demand curve?

Alternative supply chain partners with integrative operations are the key to first-to-market advantage.

The race is on for the first-to-market advantage in what will quickly become a crowded space, and medtech companies need to rapidly mobilize to identify alternative supply chain partners.

These partners need access to a global sourcing network as well as integrative operations — end-to-end product development, product design (including DFM), engineering and manufacturing capabilities to close critical skills gaps.

However, this is not enough. For a frictionless process that ensures compliance and expedites the path from product conception to distribution, supply partners must bring a solid track record in medtech expertise and appropriate IEC and ISO certifications. This guarantees that products will be designed and documented to FDA, UL and CE standards.

Innovating new markets.

The race to first-to-market advantage is not just about capitalizing on market demand for telehealth, but also about seizing the opportunity to innovate the market. Medtech leaders would do well to recognize that they are looking at a bigger opportunity to reconceive telehealth in ways that can expand the possibilities for generating sizable profits.

Telehealth has the potential to extend far beyond its current use as a replacement for or supplement to clinical care. Medtech leaders who can envision broader applications for telehealth and strategically target them at a multiplicity of patient populations stand to innovate the space as well as stake claims to opportunities in adjacent markets.

Though it’s never been more challenging to bring a successful medtech product to market, the opportunities have never been greater. Companies that undertake the task with eyes wide open and the help of a proven, agile supply partner can lead the market and shape the future.