Why behavioural intelligence is our best bet against COVID-19

Ori Shaashua, co-founder and VP of product at Neura, writes why the company’s AI-based solutions […]

Ori Shaashua, co-founder and VP of product at Neura, writes why the company’s AI-based solutions can help defeat COVID-19.
Complete closures save lives, it’s an indisputable fact. Yet those full closures, in reaction to a wave of infections, are destroying livelihoods as businesses are shuttered and mental trauma is inflicted. The question then becomes, how can governments protect as many human lives as possible, while also restarting the economy? The answer is unexpected, to say the least, it’s not an improvement in medtech or even tech directly related to medicine, it’s behavioural intelligence that is typically used to connect brands to their customers’ specific preferences, or for competitor intelligence and traffic patterns.